baking bonanza.

hay hay haaay.

i’m getting way too excited about fall baking. on top of everything on my wish list, i’ve come upon these amazing recipes to bake before fall ends.
which, in manitoba, is like.. mid-october. halloween, at the latest.

Mummy Munch. This would be a fun treat to bring to work!

Pumpkin Pecan Cheesecake Parfaits. Could be a nice treat for Jordan + mine’s 1.5 year anniversary. 🙂

Caramel Apple Cheesecake Pie. I have no idea where I could use this, but like that’s going to stop me from making it.

.. ok, that’s all. it seemed like a lot more in my head.
but all these recipes look so delicious! check ’em out.

(i still haven’t made homemade healthy nutella. or carrot cupcakes with maple cream cheese icing. i’ve been talking about making both for months, and i can almost guarantee that one of these recipes or these buttermilk cinnamon rolls will still be made before them.
i have a serious problem.)

what is your favourite autum-y baked treat? i love, love, love apple crisp.

when was the last time you used the word bonanza?
i think this may be the first and last time i use it..

toodles! 🙂

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3 Responses to baking bonanza.

  1. debbie says:

    I love apple crisp too. I’m contemplating baking some tonight to use up a few of the million apples my sister-in-law gave us from her tree. I’ll have to wait and see if I have the time/energy!

    I think my favourite fall treat is any sort of breakfast baking – like scones or biscuits or something. They are just comforting when the weather gets a bit cooler.

    • jaymealreadyexists says:

      i agree, a toasty just-out-of-the-oven (or microwave) muffin or scone is so satisfying.
      i’ve never made scones, but i’ve seen some amazing recipes for maple and pumpkin scones.

  2. Susan says:

    Ohgosh, my old roommate used to make a version of the mommy munch and it was SO good. One of those things that I just could not keep from munching on 😉

    Fall for me isn’t so much about the baked goods as it is the APPLE SAUCE. Ohyes. An apple sauce bonanza 😉

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