grilled banana sammich.

caitlin from Healthy Tipping Point is who turned me on to this awesome breakfast, you can thank her later.

You need:
2 slices bread. any bread works, but if you want it healthy, use 100%whole wheat or sprouted grain.
2 beaten eggs. if you want even healthier, use 1/2 cup(ish) of carton egg whites.
1 tbsp brown sugar
approximately a boatload of cinnamon
1 banana
optional icing sugar

To make:
1. Soak the slices of bread in egg (like regular french toast) and slap on the griddle (or frying pan, whatever works).
2. On the not-cooking eggy side, sprinkle brown sugar.
3. While toasting/cooking eggy bread, slice up your banana and scoot that onto the griddle.
4. When one side is brown and not soggy anymore (known to most people as ‘cooked’), flip onto the brown-sugared side to cook. Sprinkle the cooked side with cinnamon.
5. Once both slices are done, remove bananas from heat, drizzle with a little maple syrup and sandwich between the french toast. YYUUUUMMMMM. 😀

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